In case it helps you, here is my AutoHotkey script. Just helps provide keyboard shortcuts for volume, special characters, quickly googling things, and locking the pc while also turning off monitors.

Note: Locking PC + turning off monitors requires you to install NirCmd and you should update the script to reflect its file path accordingly.

#,::Volume_Down ; CTRL-, (comma) is for volume down
#.::Volume_Up ; CTRL-. (period) is for volume up
#/::Volume_Mute ; CTRL-/ (front-slash) is for volume MUTE
#a::Run, calc.exe ; CTRL-a is to run calculator application

!r:: ; ALT-r is for registered trademark symbol
SendInput {®}

!p:: ; ALT-p is for copyright symbol
SendInput {©}

^+c:: ; CTRL-SHIFT-C is for googling whatever you copy
Send, ^c
Sleep 50

;;;;;;;;requires NirCmd and update to file path

!l:: ; ALT-l locks pc (same as #l) and powers down monitors
Run, "C:\Users\ashok.aggarwal\Downloads\nircmd-x64\nircmd.exe" lockws
Run, "C:\Users\ashok.aggarwal\Downloads\nircmd-x64\nircmd.exe" cmdwait 1000 monitor off