by Ashok Aggarwal | Oct 12, 2014 | Life, My Quotes, Quotes, Technology
Ashok Aggarwal Often times, the value of new technology isn’t just inventing something new, but importantly, illuminating previous innovations even more clearly. I’m sure you can think of a few, but this one might get your gears turning....
by Ashok Aggarwal | Aug 15, 2014 | Life, My Quotes, Quotes
Ashok Aggarwal It’s important in life to figure out when you need to take deep breaths and when you need short ones, as well as the subset of that which is the various depths (lengths and speeds) of inhales and exhales. Lots of things to think...
by Ashok Aggarwal | Jul 6, 2014 | Business, Life, My Quotes, Quotes, Technology
Ashok Aggarwal A solution’s elegance is innate. Its simplicity is in the eye of the beholder. This is akin to a nature vs nurture debate, both of which have a mysterious influence on the life of the solution. I don’t think I will add any...
by Ashok Aggarwal | Jul 6, 2014 | Business, Life, My Quotes, Quotes, Technology
Ashok Aggarwal As our problems become overwhelmingly complex, we must be prepared to devise and accept underwhelmingly simple solutions. It is often the case that the original problem we set out to solve often seems minor in comparison to the problem of getting out of...
by Ashok Aggarwal | Jun 11, 2014 | Business, Life, My Quotes, Quotes
Ashok Aggarwal It is not their job to listen. It is your job to capture their full attention. You get to a point in your career where you don’t blame anyone but yourself for results. Some people get that earlier than others. This is one example of taking...
by Ashok Aggarwal | May 4, 2014 | Business, Life, My Quotes, Quotes, Technology
This is one of many in my lifelong series on finding truth, solace, peace, direction, etc. somewhere in the middle of (and typically directly in between) two often competing, sometimes opposite, and sometimes otherwise seemingly unrelatedĀ concepts. Finding that small...